Tor Imports are the leading UK importer and distributor for award winning New World Hand-made Cigars from Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Honduras and Mexico. They deliver first class service and the best quality of handmade cigars in the market, proudly representing 9 out of the 16 Cigar Aficionado No1 cigars.
Tor endeavours to innovate and identify fresh ideas that help them improve and bring new experiences and high quality products to our customers and their consumers. They own bespoke storage facilities including a 150 sq meter purpose-built storage humidor that controls temperature and humidity and ensures that every cigar leaves our bond in perfect condition. They also have a tailored, HMRC-approved operating system that allows them to control their inventory and maximise product availability
Tor participated in the 2019 UK Government Parliamentary Review. It was also rewarded with the prestigious Association of Independent Tobacco Specialists Supplier of the Year twice, in 2016 and 2018 for our range, our service and our support.
Almost all of their New World Cigar partners are family owned and operated, and have fair pay and gender equality policies in place.
The New World Cigar community takes their environmental and social responsibilities seriously, including the planting of thousands of precious species of trees, investing in sustainable growing practises, including drip irrigation and organic production, and sponsoring programmes that build emergency housing for the poorest families in their regions.